Here's some info about us and our styles!
Hi, im Alex. Born in 91, currently studying in my 2nd year of Photography at SBIT (pronounced spit). I like fluffy bunnies and crayons, and enjoy long romantic walks on the beach and pina colada's. I mainly photograph extreme sports, but photograph many other subjects such as fashion, food, portraiture, etc.
Hi, im Alex. Born in 91, currently studying in my 2nd year of Photography at SBIT (pronounced spit). I like fluffy bunnies and crayons, and enjoy long romantic walks on the beach and pina colada's. I mainly photograph extreme sports, but photograph many other subjects such as fashion, food, portraiture, etc.
HI - Casey here. I am not so much into the technical side of photography as the amazing stories and interesting artistic styles blended with a dash of fashion and portraiture. I am also majoring in commercial photography with QLD college of art and balance the intricacies of study life with a healthy dose of coloring in with my son.
Okay, over to me...David. I'm a late starter with photography. I used to do words professionally. Lots and lots of plain bullshit words. But now I prefer the ambiguity of images to the imagined certainty of words. I especially like portraiture; individuals rather than corporate imagings. And I like the potential for images to defy orthodox understandings [What the!]. Enough... Here's one of my images before I go............................
The name is Emily... 20 years old and still so unaware of the world out there. I believe in order to discover who I am as a person and photographer I need to get out there and EXPLORE!
Hi my name is Nic Gossage, I am currently studying at SBIT in Brisbane. I enjoy shooting a wide range of photography and capturing the image's on different formats .
Hey i'm Yasmin. I'm 19. I love all types of photography from sport to fashion. I prefer my images in black and white.
Hi all, my name is Bree, 18. My speciality is fine art and nature, i like to bring attention to different ways in seeing as apposed to just looking. My photos vary from as shot to lots of post work but i personally prefer a natural look.
Pleasure to meet you all :)