Thursday, May 27, 2010

Emily's IDEAs

So first up: this projection of images on walls idea!!….I think something like the video below would be amazing – minus the tetras style projection but we could project movies such as the second video.

What going to be going on inside??I think we should do a kinesthetic “time line” throughout the inside of the convention centre – focusing on the photography “heros” from that era.
Each era will show:
Photographs, magazines, fashion, "styles of photography", modelling styles (actors, performing mock photo shoots), equipment, prints/books/magazines from that time for people to purchase - AND much more.

Who will the guest be:Anyone who purchases a ticket – but specific photographers will be invited to ensure they can attend.

Who will the guest speakers be? Perhaps there could be a panel of industry folk who organise the event and decided on a couple of famous photographers, but also have a competition amoungst the public who can vote for an “unknown” photographer who they believe has the skills and talent to be a High End photographer.

So my main idea is that people can be involved in the history and beauty of photography by physically walking through the convention and seeing the transformation from the beginning to now and how a simple photograph can impact on people in so many different ways! And will continue to do so for many years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Some random ideas:

    I like the timeline of photographic heroes...but will it work if we're limited to 40s/50s?

    How about we twist the 'Paris' theme with a bit of Brisbane - glamorous models in Givenchy and thongs, Hugo Bossed men with loud shirts instead of conservative business shirts?

    Rather than taking images from the photographic heroes of the era, perhaps we could do homage shots in Brisbane settings?

    If budget is no constraint, how about we suggest big time photographers to run workshops eg. Andreas Gursky doing workshop shoots of Brisbane's skyline; Annie Leibowtiz doing workshop shoots (using the entire workshop attendees as her subjects)

    To involve unknown photographers, how about running an open photo comp where entries are projected onto a wall outside and people can vote?

    And how about encouraging conference attendees to photograph - say perhaps by having tethered digital cameras at various points (perhaps with wireless links to screens)?

    And one last thing...I really like the idea of projecting massive close-in portraits; something about a ten storey high babies face that might put that Ron Meuch (?) to shame
